The Protagonish is Launched!

It's launch day, and The Protagonish is now available to download and play the full game!
You can get The Protagonish on Steam or for the tiny price of US$3.99 / £2.99 / €3.49 for a tiny but fun game, with full hand drawn art and voice acting!
Thanks so much to everyone that helped get us to this stage, and thanks so much for the wonderful escape room and game cafe venue Secret Solstice Games for hosting us!

Plus, here's a sneak look at our live recording session and how it turned into in-game dialogue:
Being in Steam Next Fest last week was a great opportunity to get more visibility for The Protagonish, and we doubled our wishlist numbers in just a few days! Later I'll do some post launch breakdowns, I know its really useful to have that kind of data for other indie-devs, and also people just interested in how the industry works. It's a new field for me, so the marketing and scope of market are very much something we are trying to learn before we get going on our next game.
Remember that's really the point of The Protagonish, it's to get something short and sweet complete and out there in 6 months or so, just to learn the ropes. It's not going to be everything for everyone, but lets us showcase (as early reviews have already highlighted) the quality of art, voice and writing that we want to bring to a full length title in a couple of years.
We'd love to hear what you think, so please buy if you can, and leave a review on Steam or Itch: that's a huge indicator for those platforms about which games get seen. We don't have triple-A marketing budgets, so support indie-devs when you can! Share your experience with others, get all those sweet achievements and share the word, and help us make our next game become a real thing!
Ooh, and don't forget to register for our very occasional newsletter, so you'll know when new posts and we announce the title of our next game...